Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Church on the Move

I opened up our November 2008 calendar of activities and felt "Whew! There's a lot going on here!" Trying to keep track of when all our fellowship meals are happening on Wednesdays, following the ESL activities that also happen on Wednesdays, along with choir practice, not to mention the fellowship meals after worship from time to time, near the Women's Circles and the Men's gatherings, not to mention Sunday school, youth group outings to the NC State Fair, and worship...we are a busy, active church!

And the root of this busyness?

Well, we Christians know that in fellowship activities we often discover Jesus! After all, as Scripture says "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name," said Jesus.

But the Benedictines have a wonderful phrase "ora et labora," which means "prayer and work," and the balancing act between the two.

Jesus doesn't want us to only or always to be busy. Jesus wants us to also take time to "smell the roses" though they are waning, behold the beauty of an autumn day as the leaves change, the air grows cooler, and the day light grows shorter. This is all of God's good creation. It is here we witness the Artist God at work and play.

Enjoy a breath of fresh cool air on Jesus!

Peace, Brett

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