Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome Rev. Walter Fauntroy!

I've never been here for the Royster Series before, though I know quite a few of the past speakers/preachers personally, so this is my first and only time of aiding in the program portion of the series. That being said/written, let me say what a joy and privilege it has been to welcome Rev. Walter Fauntroy of Washington, D.C. to the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church of Henderson. While there are other Baptist preachers who have been behind the pulpit of the Church, this has been an historic event, because Rev. Fauntroy is the first African American speaker in all the years of the series.

If you have not had a chance to hear this honorable gentleman preach, please do come tonight (Monday, Sept. 28th), and hear this awesome preacher bring the Word of God to the people of Henderson and Vance County.


Pastor Brett

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