Sunday, December 7, 2008

2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace...with John the Baptizer as Guide

Today's worship was memorable in many ways: the "children's sermon" became a family sermon, with two families playing tug of war vs. tug of peace. It is always interesting to see who competitive we can be, and how odd, how strange, how weird building consensus can be, whether in a church, a family, or a neighborhood.

John the Baptizer was the focus of today' sermon. He heralds well the coming of the Christ!

I particularly enjoyed singing a song that "John the Baptizer" would heartily approve: "Go Tell it On the Mountain," with the congregation singing along and clapping to this wondrous African American spiritual!

With two Sundays of Advent "down," our Season of waiting continues. There is a challenge before us to focus on Advent as Christians while so many of groups in the rest of the world around us has already jumped ahead to the Season of Christmas. But the four weeks of waiting
is well worth it when we enter the season of Christmas.



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