Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmastide! Finally! Phew!

Reports from my family in Oregon is that it is down-right cold and chilly. Reports from friends in New Zealand: cooler than usual! Reports from friends in Bethlehem: wet!

Reports from church last night for a series of "Lessons and Carols": beautiful! Following in the tradition of this church, we worshiped last night following a series of lessons, of Scripture verses, that remind us of the downs and ups of the human story: from Genesis and the dislocation of the couple of newbies, Adam and Eve, to Abraham and Sarah being told of the greatness of God's people, born from a once-barren womb, to Micah's and Isaiah's words reminding us of who was born in one of Israel's darkest periods of life: namely, the Christ child. We read stories of Christ's birth, from Luke and Matthew, with shepherds and wise men. I'm always struck by the passage in John 1, in which the entire Gospel is summed up in the first 14 verses.

The church was 3/4th full, which was wonderful. Candles were lit and held high as we sang "Silent Night, Holy Night!" The night was warm. Mist enveloped the ground. The church sanctuary was bedecked in red and green. A new banner hung in the sanctuary designed and constructed by Peggy Stock, and the choir sang beautifully.

For the last four weeks, we were building up to Christmastide. While the world around us understands Christmas as one day, we Christians know better: it is a season of 12 days, ending with Epiphany, or in the South, "Old Christmas."

I look forward to celebrating all days of Christmas with you, dear members of FPC-H!

Merry Christmastide!

Pastor Brett

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